• Thursday, February 18, 2021 4:41 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    As part of creating the “Pricing Right” course, I updated some research I had originally put together in 2012. The original research provided an Analysis of Pricing Trends from 2008-2012. 

    The new research covers an Analysis of Pricing Trends from 2008-2020.

    Get access to the latest data here (PDF):
    >> Analysis of Pricing Trends 2008-2020

    Disclaimer: The Resume Writers' Digest Annual Industry Survey (and Pricing Surveys) are not statistically valid, but provide a guideline for career industry professionals in benchmarking themselves against their colleagues.

  • Wednesday, February 17, 2021 2:17 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    Get to know other resume writers in our community with our “10 Questions” series! Our tenth profile focuses on Michelle Dumas, owner of New Hampshire-based Distinctive Career Services, LLC. 

    Dumas has been a professional resume writer for 25 years. An active member with the National Resume Writers’ Association (NRWA), she has been the recipient of many industry awards and holds multiple resume writing and career coaching certifications. 

    Dumas originally planned to become a clinical psychologist when she was working towards her undergraduate degree, but eventually decided to transition into career counseling. 

    The early days of the World Wide Web (and the possibility of working from home) interested Dumas. “I came up with the idea that I would start a business combining my writing skills with my experience teaching resume writing plus my fascination with the opportunities to make money on the Internet,” she says. 

    >> Click Here to Read the Full “10 Questions With Michelle Dumas” Feature on the Resume Writers’ Digest Blog! 

  • Wednesday, February 10, 2021 2:39 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    Do you struggle with doubt and uncertainty? Do you find yourself sometimes in your own way, sabotaging your own success? Mindset can be the reason. 

    This 13-page special report provides 50 mindset “hacks” to help you fine-tune your approach to your business and your life. These are practical, actionable tips and tricks to make a specific difference in your life. 

    Check out the Minding Your Mindset Special Report in our online store

  • Wednesday, February 10, 2021 12:00 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    With unemployment numbers continuing to rise, this Pass-Along Materials content is meant to motivate prospects to invest in resume services to reduce the amount of time they are unemployed. The main article demonstrates the obvious — and not so obvious — costs of unemployment. The accompanying chart “How Expensive Is It To Be Unemployed?” provides a quick way to determine how much it costs in lost wages each week that you are unemployed. 

    The Cost of Unemployment Pass-Along Materials Content is included with a BeAResumeWriter.com Bronze Membership — in the Pass-Along Materials section — under the “BONUS CONTENT FOR BRONZE MEMBERS” header. 

  • Thursday, January 28, 2021 10:26 AM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    Get to know other resume writers in our community with our “10 Questions” series! Our ninth profile focuses on Anne Barnwell, owner of Texas-based The Write Resumes

    Barnwell is a Nationally Certified Resume Writer with the National Resume Writers’ Association and a Certified Professional Resume Writer through the Professional Association of Resume Writers (PARW/CC). She is currently pursuing a certification in federal government resumes. 

    Barnwell says the best career advice she received came from her parents, who immigrated to the United States: "Work hard and don’t complain. And if work isn’t going well, work even harder.” 

    >> Click Here to Read the Full “10 Questions With Anne Barnwell” Feature on the Resume Writers’ Digest Blog! 

  • Thursday, January 21, 2021 1:48 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    What’s stopping you from reaching that $100,000 revenue mark? (Or $200,000?) Do you have a plan in place to reach your financial goal, or are you just “winging it”? Do you spend your time on money-making tasks every day, or busy work? Do you have your marketing tasks clearly outlined — or are you skipping around, hoping whatever you try will be successful? If you want to make the most of your time (and earn more money), this 38-page Special Report is for you. The report covers how to create and plan your promotional window, how to design your programs for a whole year, and how to create strategic promotions that maximize your earnings. Includes exercises to help you get the most out of it.

    Check out the Resume Writer’s 12-Month Marketing Plan Special Report in our online store

  • Saturday, January 09, 2021 3:11 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    Are you looking for a script you can give to clients to help guide them through common job search situations? This first installment in the “How to Say It: Job Search Scripts” series covers three situations: a script to follow up after sending the resume, a script to follow up after an interview if the client hasn’t heard back, and a script to ask for an informational interview. 

    The How to Say It: Job Search Scripts #1 Pass-Along Materials Content is included with a BeAResumeWriter.com Bronze Membership — in the Paid Member Resources Section — until Feb. 28, 2021. 

  • Friday, January 08, 2021 7:34 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    Get to know other resume writers in our community with our “10 Questions” series! Our eighth profile is of Florida-based Brianna Watts of Brianna Watts Consulting and Services

    Prior to becoming a full-time resume writer and business owner, Watts worked in higher education and student affairs. “I always had a knack for career services,” says Watts. 

    >> Click Here to Read the Full “10 Questions With Brianna Watts” Feature on the Resume Writers’ Digest Blog! 

  • Tuesday, January 05, 2021 2:31 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    Our new mini-course offers strategies to help fill up your appointment book. 

    It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in business, there is a universal truth all entrepreneurs must deal with: The need to identify, attract, and convert prospects into paying clients. Without clients, you don’t have a business. 

    If you’ve been struggling in “feast or famine” mode — or, in recent months, if it’s been more “famine” than “feasting” — this course can be your springboard to an incredible start to 2021. 

    It can be hard to figure out what marketing you SHOULD be doing. Should you advertise? Post on social media? Write articles or start a blog? Work on networking? Cultivate new referral sources? Start a podcast? Do videos on YouTube?

    As C.J. Hayden says, “It doesn’t matter so much WHAT you do as THAT you do.” 

    The 5 Simple Strategies for Securing More Sales Mini-Course will give you information to build a steady supply of motivated clients who want to work with you. 

    Because it’s a mini-course, you can get through it quickly. It’s also designed to help you get results right away. 

    The course includes handouts and a 25-minute video. 

    To learn more and enroll in the 5 Simple Strategies for Securing More Sales mini-course, visit our course page

    (The 5 Simple Strategies for Securing More Sales mini-course is part of our Resume Writer's University course catalog on Teachable). 

  • Sunday, December 06, 2020 2:00 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    This 34-page special report is filled with assessments and exercises to help your business grow stronger. Self-examination is a key component of business success. It is important to assess your performance, the performance of your subcontractors and staff, your business assets, customers and customer service. You also need to analyze the financial health of your business, the market and competitors, marketing strategies, sales strategies, vendors, and your website and/or blog. The report also includes some essential end-of-year activities. 

    Check out the Assess Your Business Health Special Report in our online store


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