• Sunday, September 19, 2021 3:46 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    Ooooh!! Something special arrived in the mail this week... to find out what it is, check out our “NRWA Unboxing Video” below! 

    This year’s NRWA conference is being held on Sept. 20-23, and BeAResumeWriter.com is an Online Sponsor for the virtual event. If you are planning to attend, come visit us in our virtual booth!

    To learn more about the NRWA Annual Conference, visit the conference page here.  

  • Wednesday, September 15, 2021 12:58 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    Career service business owners face many challenges — weather (hurricanes, tornadoes), technology problems, issues with subcontractors, problems with clients, and even global pandemics. This special report is defined to help you become more resilient. This 41-page special report will help you develop resilience — both personally and professionally. Learn how business continuity and disaster planning is essential for every career service business. Why creating processes and systems can help in good times — and bad. Clarify your business vision and objectives to make it through the difficult times. And how disruption can be an opportunity. Includes three exercises: SWOT Analysis, Mission Statement Checklist, and Small Business Disaster Preparedness. 

    Check out the Creating a Resilient Resume Writing Business Special Report in our online store

  • Saturday, September 11, 2021 12:27 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    Get to know other resume writers in our community with our “10 Questions” series! Our fourteenth profile focuses on Nancy Segal, CPRW, CEIE, Certified Federal Resume Writer — owner of Solutions for the Workplace LLC

    Segal has been a professional resume writer for 15 years and a former federal HR professional for 30 years. She is a developer and instructor for the Resume Writing Academy Federal Resume Writer Certification and is the author of three books on federal resume writing, interviewing, and career transitions. She writes a weekly blog for FEDweek.com

    Segal considers her resume writing business to be a “natural progression” from her career in the HR arena. 

    “With 30 years as a federal HR professional, I saw an opportunity to share my knowledge about how to get a job with the country’s largest single employer,” says Segal. “And the information about the nuances of the federal job hunt, resume, and overall career process is needed by the public. I’m delighted to share what I know!” 

    >> Click Here to Read the Full “10 Questions With Nancy Segal” Feature on the Resume Writers’ Digest Blog! 

  • Thursday, September 09, 2021 3:29 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    Are you looking for a script you can give to clients to help guide them through common job search situations? This second installment in the “How to Say It: Job Search Scripts” series covers three situations: a script to ask for a meeting to request a raise, a script to ask for time off under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and a script to request to work remotely. 

    The How to Say It: Job Search Scripts #2 Pass-Along Materials Content is available exclusively with a BeAResumeWriter.com Bronze Membership in the Pass-Along Materials section

  • Monday, August 23, 2021 2:32 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    In addition to all of the great content BeAResumeWriter.com Bronze Members receive each month, members are also eligible for discounts on our Resume Writer’s University courses on Teachable

    Included in the Teachable lineup is our nine-module “Pricing Right” courseMembers get $60 off the regular price

    Members can take advantage of this discount — along with discounts on the rest of our Teachable slate — by visiting our Discounts for Resume Writer’s University Courses page.

  • Monday, August 16, 2021 12:05 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    This is THE guidebook for course creation — it includes 101 tips, insights, ideas, shortcuts, templates, hacks, lists, and resources for creating popular, profitable courses. Online learning is a growing market and this special report gives you all the best practices for turning your knowledge into courses! This no fluff, jam-packed guide is fully loaded with easy-to-understand, easy-to-use content covering the three stages of course creation: Decisions (key insights for planning out a course so it sells), Developments (key insights for preparing a course so it creates happy students), and Details (key insights for polishing a course so it shines). The 38-page special report is one you can refer to over and over again. 

    It covers tips related to:

    • Finding out what your market really wants 
    • Choosing the right idea for your next course 
    • Testing ideas before creating a course 
    • Adding Tools to increase the value of your course 
    • Creating content that your target audience will love 
    • Making the course useful to help your students reach their goals 
    • Avoiding common course creation mistakes 
    • Inserting backend offers 
    • Reducing refunds and satisfying students 
    • Using shortcuts so course creation is faster and easier 

    This is not an in-depth, step-by-step training program, but rather a must-have resource for anyone who wants to learn how to create better courses, create them faster, and create them easier. It’s organized for easy reference, with short entries that are easy to read, digest, and put to work immediately. It’s perfect for beginners to course creation veterans. 

    Check out the Turn Your Knowledge Into a College: Creating Career Courses Special Report in our online store
  • Sunday, August 15, 2021 4:20 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    This challenge is designed to help career changers with their transition to their new career by providing suggested actions to complete. This Pass-Along Materials content provides a guide for participants to complete a 14-day challenge, including 40 individual actions. There is a challenge calendar and tracker. It also includes an instruction guide for the resume writer, to help you run an effective challenge. 

    The Career Change Challenge: 14 Days to Your Next Career Pass-Along Materials Content is available exclusively for BeAResumeWriter.com Bronze Members to purchase.

    See the 
    CHALLENGES FOR JOBSEEKERS section on the Pass-Along Materials page for more information. 

  • Tuesday, August 10, 2021 2:41 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    Get to know other resume writers in our community with our “10 Questions” series! Our thirteenth profile focuses on Alana Henry, owner of The Writique, LLC

    Henry became a professional writer for two different reasons: her desire to serve those with unequal access to career advancement resources, and the need for a work-from-home opportunity after the birth of her first child. 

    “I am of the belief that we are all distinctly gifted, and that we should use our gifts to help others in their life journeys,” says Henry. “For me, a life of service and a desire to further equity in my community propels me to utilize my talents in a variety of ways.”

    >> Click Here to Read the Full “10 Questions With Alana Henry” Feature on the Resume Writers’ Digest Blog! 

  • Tuesday, July 20, 2021 11:31 AM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    Video is hot as a way to attract prospects and secure clients. Live video is even hotter! Jobseekers are hungry for information to help them in their job search, and you can feed them through pre-recorded and live videos. The focus of this special report is on live video, and provides a framework for how to easily get started — with equipment you likely already own! (We also talk about equipment and live streaming services to up your game once you get going too). 

    In this 16-page special report, we cover: 

    • An introduction to Live Video Streaming 
    • How Businesses are Using Live Video Streaming 
    • Equipment You’ll Need to Get Started With Live Streaming Video
    • How to Choose the Right Platform for Your Live Streaming Video 
    • The Types of Content You Can Create for Your Live Streaming Videos 
    • Tips on Creating Better Videos 
    • Ways to Monetize Your Live Streaming Videos 
    • How to Convert Your Audience Into Customers 
    • Why You Should Add Live Streaming Video to Your Marketing Mix 

    Check out the Lights, Camera, Action: Live Video in Your Career Services Business Special Report in our online store
  • Saturday, July 10, 2021 11:18 AM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    This is a top-requested Pass-Along Materials guide!

    We tell our clients to customize the resume before submitting it, but this guide actually tells them HOW to do this! It’s a great bonus to send along with the final documents. 

    The guide teaches clients how to customize their resume “a little,” a “middle” amount, or a “lot.” The emphasis is on starting with a professionally written resume (naturally) and then tailoring it to the specific job posting or opportunity (including how to target the resume if there isn’t a job posting). 

    Includes a one-page checklist for customizing the resume that can be used along with the main guide or as a standalone piece. 

    Check out the Jobseeker’s Guide to Customizing Your Resume Pass-Along Materials Content in our online store


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