• Wednesday, February 19, 2020 3:31 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    Are you putting together a career course? Looking to fill it up? This 21-page special report is designed to help you create a successful career course launch for your live workshop or online course. The guide includes specific steps to consider (including time-limited launch discounts, two types of bonuses to consider, how and why to follow-up, and how to handle objections) plus 17 specific tips to help boost enrollments (both online and offline). 

    Check out our Fill ‘Er Up! How To Boost Enrollment In Your Career Course Special Report in our online store

  • Thursday, January 16, 2020 2:17 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    All the LinkedIn Pass-Along Materials have been completely revised and updated. The main “Getting Started” guide has been revised into an 8-part guide. Includes the LinkedIn 30-Day Challenge

    The LinkedIn 2020 Pass-Along Materials Content is included with a BeAResumeWriter.com Bronze Membership

  • Wednesday, January 15, 2020 3:22 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    The new year is a great time to assess your business systems and operations. This report will help by providing five areas to focus on when analyzing your business, including your customers, your sales, your profits, your customer satisfaction, and your marketing strategies. You’ll assess your strengths, review your weaknesses, and discover new opportunities (including 4 questions to think about that could give your business a competitive edge). If growth is in your plans for 2020, you’ll get some ideas on how to expand your services, your market reach, your target demographics, customer satisfaction, and sales funnels. The special report also identifies areas that you can simplify and streamline, including several technology tools to help with that. 

    Check out our New Year, New Start Special Report in our online store

  • Thursday, December 26, 2019 2:05 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    This challenge is a perfect complement to the 21-Day Accomplishments Challenge. It’s designed to help a jobseeker negotiate salary in/after a job interview. 

    The 14-Day Salary Negotiation Challenge Pass-Along Materials Content is included with a BeAResumeWriter.com Bronze Membership

  • Tuesday, December 24, 2019 3:07 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    This 44-page special report is designed to help you develop and name a career course! It includes eight lessons to help you through all stages of the planning process. The special report also includes more than a dozen exercises, worksheets, and checklists to help you create your first (or next!) career course. Includes an overview of the Teachable platform for course creation. 

    Check out our Career Course Planner Special Report in our online store

  • Friday, November 08, 2019 1:42 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    Have your clients heard of the “hidden job market”? Do they know how to access it? This content explains why companies decide not to post a position publicly. It also examines the role of referrals from current employees and why they can be so powerful for jobseekers. It includes three ways that jobseekers can access the hidden job market, including 13 specific tips. Also includes five specific action items jobseekers can take. 

    Check out our Jobseeker’s Guide to Accessing the Hidden Job Market Pass-Along Materials Content in our online store

  • Thursday, November 07, 2019 5:22 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    This 60-page special report is the most comprehensive guide to starting, maintaining, and growing a careers industry-oriented membership site that you will find anywhere. 

    It includes 10 lessons to help you with the five components of starting a membership site. The special report includes a half-dozen worksheets and checklists to help you with content development, pricing, and the technology of delivering your content. 

    Check out our Membership Sites 101 Special Report in our online store

  • Thursday, November 07, 2019 1:28 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    Includes 100 tweetable tips. You can turn them into shareable graphics by combining them with a graphic. (Make sure you have the rights to any graphics you use — purchasing stock photos is a sure-fire way to do this.) You can also setup an autoresponder and deliver one quote a day to clients to keep them inspired and motivated. 

    The Positive Encouragement for Jobseekers #5 Pass-Along Materials Content is included with a BeAResumeWriter.com Bronze Membership

  • Thursday, November 07, 2019 12:59 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    This special report is about the value that you bring to your resume writing business. In four lessons, you’ll learn how to use client results to justify charging more, you’ll work your way through simple exercises to assess and improve your skills and experience, you’ll tackle your mindset issues, and you’ll strategize how to “up your marketing game.” 

    The 41-page report includes numerous worksheets, exercises, and checklists. 

    Check out our Earn What You’re Worth Special Report in our online store

  • Tuesday, October 01, 2019 12:03 PM | Bridget Weide Brooks (Administrator)

    CBS This Morning’s “Work In Progress” series (with LinkedIn) reports that “fall is the best time to find a job.” 

    According to LinkedIn, October is the month with the highest number of job openings on its website — with 89 percent of hiring managers filling those positions in less than four weeks. 

    LinkedIn Editor-In-Chief Dan Roth told CBS that Mondays are the best day to apply for a job. 

    “A lot of hiring managers spend the week getting their job descriptions ready,” says Roth. “Monday you start the week off, put your job description up, and wait for the resumes to start coming in.”  

    The first 25 applications are three times more likely to land a position (compared to those later in the queue). 

    “The real key is making sure that you are out there with your profile, that you’re sharing, that you’re talking about what you're an expert in, that you’ve got your skills listed, that you’re networking with people,” says Roth. 

    October is a terrific time of year to promote “Free Resume Critiques” to prospective clients and publicize the offering via news releases to local media, an e-mail campaign, and posts on your social media platforms. 

    It is important to give jobseekers the tools they need to succeed.

    BeAResumeWriter.com strives to provide toolbox-ready resources you can use to help your clientele as they navigate the job search process. 

    “If you are just relying on a piece of paper, you're doing it wrong,” says Roth. “The most important thing is to be out there.” 

    LinkedIn also published a blog post talking about the autumn job search process titled “A New Holiday to Celebrate: Fall Hiring Season.” 

    Watch the full CBS This Morning segment here:


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