A few months ago, BeAResumeWriter.com held a free subscriber-only course to help career service professionals craft their own online course using the Teachable platform.
As I was reading the seventh chapter in Marie Forleo’s addictive entrepreneurial tome “Everything is Figureoutable” (titled “Start Before You’re Ready”), I was reminded of that course and our loyal group of participants.
“You never feel ready to do the important things you’re meant to do,” writes Forleo.
One of the hardest things to do as a self-employed individual is dive into projects that might not yield immediate returns. Putting together an online course for jobseekers might not seem like an immediate concern — and you might not feel ready for such an undertaking — but moving forward can yield positive results.
Forleo talks about her nascent days as a dance instructor in New York City, where she worked a variety of odd jobs. A chance suggestion that she try out for a job at MTV (before she was ready) led to life-changing opportunities (with companies like Nike) that impacted the course of her life and business.
What makes “Everything is Figureoutable” an inspiring read is Forleo’s unpredictable professional journey — as we follow her on the winding road from her start as a trading assistant at the NYSE to the high-profile coaching business she enjoys today.
The “Everything is Figureoutable” philosophy in and of itself is a framework to structure your mindset and take on new challenges (a mindset inspired by lessons learned from her mother).
Oftentimes, the mind works out of a place of fear.
“Fear is not the enemy,” writes Forleo. “Waiting to stop feeling afraid is.” It is a mistake to wait until you are feeling fully confident to pursue your goals, because that might not ever happen.
As we’ve worked with aspiring entrepreneurs the past 26 years, we’ve found that budding business owners often fall into the trap of thinking things in their lives have to be “perfect” before they can fully commit to building a business.
Progress is more important than perfection. Comparison is “creative kryptonite” (she refers to this as drinking shots of a dangerous drink she calls “Comparschläger”).
“You must disobey the voice in your head that says, ‘I’m not ready yet,’” writes Forleo.
When you chase your dreams you’ll likely face setbacks along the way. Forleo encourages readers to ask themselves this question: “What’s the next right move?”
A couple of years ago, I was presenting a webinar to aspiring entrepreneurs and was trying to remember that quote. I almost got it right. I told the participants, “Marie Forleo says you should ‘do the next right thing’... or maybe that’s ‘Frozen II.’”
(That quote indeed came from the character Anna in 2019’s “Frozen II,” but the sentiment is the same!)
Forleo’s book is packed with anecdotes, quotes, and exercises to put readers in the right mindset. Her irreverent prose (at times she swears like a sailor) gives an approachable vibe to each chapter.
“Everything is Figureoutable” serves as an “I’ve been where you are before” pep talk to help you get going and build momentum in your personal and professional goals.
If you’re having trouble getting started building your résumé writing business — or having difficulties figuring out what services and products to add to an already established business — jumping into “Everything is Figureoutable” might help you get unstuck.
Order your copy of “Everything is Figureoutable” by Marie Forleo here.